Jumat, 05 November 2010

Often due to Watching Porn Films

Often due to Watching Porn Films

 Buddy all who love watching porn pilm not ever feel addicted? yah want to again and again .. do you know that pornography was very detrimental to us than easily ignited emotions (personality changes can result in a grumpy) appeared to pornography also reduces our intelligence .. Read the following aja deh ..
research results of the American neurosurgeon. Pornography addiction real effect on the brain tissue!.Undeniably, pornography addictive, simple example is when we watch a porn movie, one time there must be a desire to watch it again and again.

Addiction to pornography is even said to be more severe than addiction to cocaine because cocaine can be eliminated from the body pecandunya, but the memory of the scene or pornographic images will remain in the brain forever.
* Shrink the Brain Network, Lower IntelligencePornography is crammed into our brains constantly will eventually lead to shrinking of brain tissue and its function is also disrupted.In detail, Donald L. Hilton Jr.. MD, a neurosurgeon from San Antonio Hospital, United States, said that the addiction has resulted in the front center of the brain (Ventral Tegmental Area? VTA-) will be physically smaller and smaller, of course, with this part causes the function will be disrupted as well.
Shrinkage of brain tissue was later will produce dopamine (the chemical triggers the pleasure), while dopamine alone will cause the chaos of the brain chemical neurotransmitter that functions as the sender of the message.

So the patient is likely to slow to deliver or transmit information.Pornography can destroy brain cells that causes the behavior and intelligence capabilities to crash. It is clear that the decline in intelligence is lower productivity and lower the quality of Human Resources.In addition, Pornography also cause memory impairment, and lead to constant changes in neurotransmitter and weakens the control function in humans so that the patient will also be difficult to control or mengonrol behavior.Such a process does not happen quickly in a short time, but all that will happen in several stages, namely addiction is characterized by impulsive actions, ekskalasi addiction, desentisisasi and behavioral decline.
* Reduce Start NowYes also severe impact of poronografi on the brain? If you become one of the patients, then subtract that from now on pornographic material received by your brain. Healing from this addiction can also be treated by therapy.Used this therapy aims to restore brain damage due to addiction. Therapy in the form of a personal motivation to drive the spirit of the patient in order to break away from pornography addiction and creating a safe environment for patients by lowering access to pornography.Therapy course were given a stimulus to the problem spiritulitas in patients. With spiritual therapy is believed to accelerate the healing process.

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